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Worship at St. John


At St. John the Apostle we worship using the traditional liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer. The great tradition of Christian music is fully represented, from the earliest Christian hymns to songs from the heart of contemporary Christianity. Our tradition of worship is not frozen in a moment of time, but is a living and breathing expression of the entire life of the church.

Everything you need to worship is provided. The order of the service (or liturgy) is provided in a printed handout, which includes all of the scripture readings, music, and other directions for the day. Dress as you are comfortable and come to God as you are. You do not need to be familiar with Anglicanism to fully participate.

A rule of thumb to follow during worship is that we stand to praise God, sit to hear the Word of God, and kneel to offer up our prayers.

All baptized Christians who have received Christ as their Lord and Savior are invited to share with us in the sacrament of the true body and blood of Christ. If, for whatever reason, you believe that you cannot receive Holy Communion, we invite you to come forward, cross your arms and receive a blessing.

Outdoor Chapel

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